Friday, December 5, 2014


I've been running around a lot lately.  Literally (ran my first half marathon earlier this week! 13.1 miles!) and emotionally?  Can you even run around emotionally?  I gave up on that sentence halfway through...

Trying to get a lot of things done for my trip.  I had to go to the consulate to drop things off for my visa, soon I have to gather my prescriptions and contacts lenses and go to last minute appointments and call lots of people and see family and friends, etc. etc.  I feel like I have a lot of motivation to do things, but my day job is really draining the life out of me.  I can't do anything productive on the days I have to go into work because going there is making me upset and unmotivated.  I've also hit a rut with my paintings.  I'm admitting it, because if I admit it, I'll accept it and not be kicking myself over finishing the piece that's in my studio space right now.  But I've been sketching a bit.

I tend to neglect my sketchbook a lot when I'm painting, and vise versa.  It's a bad habit.  I've also been wondering lately if I want to start a new sketchbook when the new year comes around.  I never finish my sketchbooks because I always feel like I grow out of them.  I still have sketches from college in them, and I'm sick of seeing them every time I go to draw.  But then again, I'm attached to some of the drawings that are in there now, especially the newer ones.  So I have a bit of a dilemma, we'll see what I end up doing.

I also need to organize all the files on my computer very badly.  It's beginning to get out of hand.  Many many many things to do.

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