Monday, September 29, 2014


I finished my book! About a week ago actually.  I just had a really busy work week last week so I didn't get a chance to get everything scanned and put together.  I'm in the middle of uploading files to the website I'm going to order the copies from now! It's taking a while so I figured I'd post about what I've been up to.

I recently picked up a piece that I had started a few months ago and got a chance to finish it last night.

It's kinda just something I really liked from my sketchbook that I blew up and decided to paint.  Here's the final that I just got scanned!

I really am loving the way it came out.  But I had to get this and my book scanned somewhere because I don't have access to a scanner anymore.  It's weird having someone scan all your artwork for you, even if I used to be friends with the guy working at the place where I got it scanned.  I'm working on putting together how I want the text to look on my promotional piece, but I need to get an online shop up and running so I can advertise where I'm selling it.  I don't think I'm going to get something like that set up until I can actually hold a copy of my book in my hands.  I also need to reorder my business cards too.  It's a lot to think about on top of working as well as reapplying for college, financial aid, etc.  I feel like I never have a moment where I'm bored or looking for something to do.  This entire month has felt so long and I haven't had a moment where I wasn't doing something.  It's been stressful at times but I really feel like I am moving forward in my life and that feeling beats out the emotions of being stressed, tired, etc.

Once I get all this book stuff straightened out, (Consume is consuming my life!  Funny?  No.) I'll be able to focus on working strictly on portfolio pieces again! I'm really excited for that! Here's a sneak preview on what the topic of my next few pieces could be about...

Little citrine spot!  I guess that's all for now.  I have other things that I wanna post but I gotta wait about a week or so.  I sent some things out in the mail and I don't want to spoil what they are for people before they arrive at everyone's houses.  

Also, I looked in Target and Best Buy and neither of them had memory cards for DSLRs!? What's up with that?!  Now I have to order one....

Wow, uploading these files is taking so long...

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